THOUGHTS : On Narcissus & The Alchemist
I was deeply moved by a story of Narcissus that was described in the foreword of The Alchemist. Described was a tale of the forest...
THOUGHTS : On the fact that I have yet to wear a bra...
I have yet to wear a bra I brushed my hair for the first time today since I can remember I have not seen a proper sunrise or sunset My...
THOUGHTS : On Housewife Life
The days are long here - and I love it! I've been up around 6am biking to yoga in the Industrial Estate grabbing a long black at Afends...
RECIPES : Kombucha + Coconut Flour + Protein Bites
J, the 3 year old boy, is still getting used to me being around so for now my duties will be to cook dinners and clean. Being Sunday the...