5-Week Teen Yoga Program
P R A C T I C E | F L O W | L E A R N | I N S T I L L
Together we will practice yoga, learn about mindfulness and how to connect the 8 limbs of yoga to our everyday lives. Flowing through daily life at school, dealing with peers, parents, and our growing bodies can be a difficult task – let’s learn how to cope, find balance and have some fun! This program will build self-esteem, confidence, a stronger body and a calmer, kinder mindset.
Program open to ages 12-14 in session one, ages 15-17 in session two. Your investment of $145 includes the complete 5-week program (education and yoga practices) plus various handouts, plus a journal to keep.
SESSION ONE : Mondays June 19 - July 24 (no class 7/3)
SESSION TWO : Mondays July 31 - August 28
mke MindBody wellness
3174 South Howell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Takeaways from previous Teen Yoga Programs with Kaleigh...
"My biggest takeaway from this program was the Yamas and Niyamas, that I should always cherish and love myself and others."
"I always end up in a good mood going home!"
"Kaleigh is an amazing teacher and she helped me feel so good about myself!"
The program is limited to a 5-person class size, please sign up now to reserve your child’s space. Refunds will not be given but your child may attend future dates of the program if necessary to make up time missed. Below you will find an example syllabus*
Week 1
- Group Introductions
- Survey : What do you want to learn & work on either physically or mentally during these next 5 weeks?
- Discussion : What is mindfulness?
- Lecture : Limb 1 : Yamas
- Yoga : Flow Practice
- Intro to Meditation
- Journaling Exercise : free write about today's experience & first impressions
- Homework : Meditate 5 minutes before bed. Journal about a Yama each day until we meet again.
Week 2
- Journaling Exercise : How did you incorporate the Yamas into your life this past week?
- Discussion : Share journaling + meditation experiences
- Lecture : Limb 2 : Niyamas
- Yoga : Flow Practice
- Group Meditation
- Homework : Meditate 5 minutes before bed. Journal about a Niyama each day until we meet again.
Week 3
- Journaling Exercise : How did you incorporate the Niyamas into your life this past week?
- Discussion : Share journaling + meditation experiences
- Lecture : Limb 3 : Asana
- Yoga : Alignment Practice
- Group Meditation
- Homework : Meditate 5 minutes before bed. Journal about Asanas you'd like to learn and/or parts of your body/mind you'd like to further develop.
Week 4
- Journaling Exercise : Free write how you're feeling in this moment. What does 'being present' mean to you?
- Discussion : Share journaling + meditation experiences
- Lecture : Limb 4 : Pranayama
- Pranayama : Learn Ujjayi (victorious) Breath + Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing)
- Yoga : Flow Practice, focus on the breath
- Group Meditation
- Homework : Meditate 8 minutes before bed. Become aware of your breath on a daily basis. How does your breath change when you're feeling happy, sad, stressed or tired? Journal about your experience with breath awareness.
Week 5
- Journaling Exercise : what have you learned in these past 4 weeks about yoga and yourself?
- Discussion : Share journaling + meditation experiences
- Lecture : Overview of limbs 5-8
- Yoga : Flowing Through the 8 Limbs
- Gratitude Circle + Gāyatrī Mantra (peace mantra)
- Homework : Meditate 8 minutes before bed. Journal about what you are grateful for. Design 3 note cards with Asanas you’d like to practice. State a song you’d like to practice these Asanas with at the bottom of your note card.
*please note this is an example syllabus, the instructor has the right to change details as needed
Who is the teacher?
Kaleigh Atkinson will be the teacher for the 6-week program. Kaleigh has been practicing yoga for more than 10 years, also studying Ayurveda and meditation. She has taught children of all ages through the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee and traveled extensively sharing her experience throughout the U.S., Australia, Bali, Mexico and more. Kaleigh is a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher through Davannayoga in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
The mission for her students is to instill confidence and self-love, building a healthier body and calmer mindset with each practice. This practice develops a more fulfilled, peaceful and strong-willed life of balance on and off the yoga mat.
Who will be participating?
Anyone willing to participate, ages 12-17 (between two sessions).
What will we be doing?
The program is designed to educate students about the history of yoga, the practice of yoga postures and to go within and learn more about the students themselves. We will play fun, team building games, be silly, be serious, be ourselves. We will be open to learning new things in these 6 weeks about yoga and about each other.
What does my child need to bring to class?
Please bring a water bottle. Please remember your yoga notebook and pen that I’ve provided during week 1. Wear comfortable clothing suitable for yoga practice such as leggings and a form fitting t-shirt.
What are the 8 limbs of yoga?
The 8 limbs of yoga were first stated in the Yoga Sutras, written by Patanjali. These 8 limbs are known as guidelines to living a purposeful, moral and ethical life. If you’d like to learn more, Yoga Journal created a great introduction to the limbs here: http://www.yogajournal.com/article/beginners/the-eight-limbs/
What does my investment include?
Your investment of only $145 includes the 5-week education, a journal, and a future of instilled values and practices that will continue to develop self-awareness, confidence, a more positive body image and clearer communication strategies to benefit your child (and therefore benefit yourself).
When can I sign up?
You can sign up right now! Please sign up here to reserve your child's space.
When can I hear more?
Please contact me for more details by e-mail at info@kaleighatkinson.com
Where will this take place?
The 5-week program will be hosted at mke MindBody wellness in Bayview, Wisconsin.
How is this program relevant to my child’s life?
Teenage years can be a difficult transition into adulthood. Yoga and mindfulness have been scientifically proven (time and time again) to reduce stress, build a stronger and more flexible body and can improve mood and cognitive functioning – just to name a few benefits.
How can I sign up?
Please sign up by e-mailing me directly or by clicking here and registering through MindBody.
How can I participate as a parent?
Your participation to this program is key. Please be sure your child is on time and you are there to pick them up promptly after class. Keep them motivated and positive when it is time to do the homework. Ask them questions about their experience and what they may need help with (please contact me anytime about these topics as well).
Why should I care about yoga/mindfulness?
The definition of yoga is ‘to yolk’ or to unite. You should care about yoga because uniting your mind and body can be a great asset to living a more balanced, healthy life. There are millions of benefits to practicing yoga and mindfulness, specifically to improve minor pains in the body, to calm anxiety and depression symptoms, to reduce stress, to gain strength and more flexibility, to help develop body awareness… all things I know have improved (and continue to improve) my life and relationships with the many people I encounter every day.