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THOUGHTS : On Housewife Life

The days are long here - and I love it! I've been up around 6am biking to yoga in the Industrial Estate grabbing a long black at Afends Cafe then biking back home around 9am. Then down to business. The deep cleaning chores keep me busy along with all the cooking, baking and experimenting I've been doing in the kitchen. Oh yeah, and J has been spending more and more time with me. We even colored rainbows together the other day!

One experiment were the muffins listed below. The backyard is full of six banana trees, a young lemon tree, an orange tree and much, much more. We just moved the chicken coop on top of their old garden and started fresh with corn, spinach, sage, basil and corriander. We try to keep a zero waste policy and it's been a fun challenge considering all the things the yard and freezer has to offer!

Also, our first batch of kombucha was ready for drinking today. Below you'll find an easy kombucha add in that I enjoyed a million ounces of when in Costa Rica earlier this year.


yields a dozen : 30 minutes total time

3/4 C coconut flour

1/2 C rolled oats

1/2 C berries (your pick, fresh or dried - I used up some dried cranberries from the freezer)

1 t baking powder

1/4 t baking soda

1/4 t salt

3/4 t cinnamon

1/2 t ground ginger

1 C unsweetened coconut shreds

1/4 C organic nut butter (I uesd peanut butter)

1-2 very ripe bananas (I used ours from the tree so they are smaller than store bought, use 1 large banana)

1/2 t organic vanilla pod powder

1 egg

1/4 C rice malt or honey

1/2 C coconut milk

handful walnuts (or nuts of choice - optional)

Preheat your oven to 400°F and line muffin tin with liners of choice.

In a medium bowl, stir together the coconut flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger powder and coconut hreds until well combined. Set aside.

In a separate medium bowl place banana(s) in first and mash into a paste. Add the peanut butter, vanilla, egg, rice malt/honey and coconut milk. Stir until well combined. Then add in cranberries, stirring once more.

Combine the dry mixture with wet mixture until moistened.

Fill the prepared muffin tin and top with walnuts.

Bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Do the toothpick test to be sure!

* Note : I used the coconut milk and coconut flour from my last blog post. Have the time & energy? Check out the post here.

Recipe adapted from Food Faith Fitness

KOMBUCHA : passionfruit

See previous post for a kombucha recipe here.

Simply cut open two to four passionfruits and scoop into jar. Top jar with fresh kombucha and let cool or enjoy right away! Be careful not to shake up kombucha because it will explode!! Or just try it for yourself if you don't believe me :)

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